Het Gemaal Op Zuid


di 31 dec

Wo 10:00−20:00u / meeste zaterdagen van 12:00−17:00u / op afspraak via cultuur@wijkcooperatie.org

Expositie serie 'Love, Labour, Liberate!'

We are excited to introduce the exhibition series Love, Labour, Liberate!

Love, Labour, Liberate is an exhibition series organized by Yusser al Obaidi and Leana Boven for Gemaal op Zuid, Rotterdam. The exhibition series, shaped collectively with participating artists, proposes alternative forms of homemaking that rid it of its domesticity, and affirm its communal creative power and liberatory potential. The devalorization of housework and its domestic confinement renders the labour that goes into it invisible, reducing its creativity to an individualised and gendered social responsibility. What liberatory potential emerges when we expand homemaking practices beyond the domestic realm and circulate shared knowledge, tools, and care in collective spaces? Can we craft or dream into being spaces that do not exist yet - spaces held and cared for by many hands?

Homesickness, (diasporic) longing, early loss of a home, gendered expectations, and home-labour-politics are themes the upcoming exhibitions of 2024 will engage with. Love, Labour, Liberate makes space for artistic practices and research embodying a sense of urgency in regards to solidarity, hospitality, and maintenance, making possible collective forms of disruption and reclaiming. The creation of our collective home that holds us all is an act of liberation, which requires all to partake in homemaking.

Love, Labour, Liberate! #1 (In)visibility: Gendered Notions of Caribbean Identities
Opening: Friday May 24th, 18:00-21:00h
The works Balansa by Meliange Comenencia and Visible We by Suelae Robinson offer profound insights into the complexities of identity, labor, and resilience–particularly within the context of Caribbean culture and womanhood. The installation ‘Visible We’ focuses on the unrecognized labor of Caribbean women, which includes essential but economically undervalued tasks like caregiving and domestic chores. This unpaid labor contributes significantly to the functioning of societies but hinders women's opportunities for higher-paying jobs, perpetuating a cycle of economic insecurity across generations, all the while these contributions are crucial for family survival.

Gemaal op Zuid, Pretorialaan 141, Rotterdam
Bezoekerstijden: Woensdagen 10:00−20:00u
en meeste zaterdagen van 12:00−17:00u
of op afspraak via cultuur@wijkcooperatie.org